brought to you by: Found in Wisconsin
ADVENTURES IN WISCONSIN is a Modern Day Expedition (Treasure Hunt of sorts) to Discover Events, Experiences, and Places in Wisconsin with the opportunity to Find and Discover Treasure.
We are currently looking to do an event in Two Rivers, WI sometime in Late September or Early October 2024, preferably on a Weekend Day. These events are a great way to get new potential customers from in and around the Two Rivers area. (we have had people drive 1-2 hours away in the past)

Donate a Gift Card or a Prize (Physical Item, etc.) that can be added as an in-play Reward Treasure for a Team or to the Main Treasure to be awarded to the Winning Team at the end of the event.
Be a ‘Location Stop’ in the event where players will need to complete a task to move forward in the event. *To be a ‘Location Stop’ you must donate a Gift Card or Prize to the event.
Tasks may include:
- finding a clue
- eat or drink something
- take a picture
- post to social media tagging your business and Found In Wisconsin, etc.)
Be the event’s ‘Final Destination’
This is where the event will end and all players will end up to see the Winning Order of the Teams and to receive their prizes.
*This requires a Gift Card or Prize Donation to be considered and must be a large enough space for 20-40+ people. A cafe or restaurant would be a great fit and there may be an opportunity for us to work together to offer a ‘Meal Party’ (Pizza, etc.) for the finale.
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