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Submit your Best 4th of July Grilling Recipe

Are you a good cook?  How about grilling?

[alert variation=”alert-info”]Submit your Best 4th of July (Summertime) Grilling Recipe for your chance to win a prize and the Title of ‘Best of 2014’ Grilling Recipe![/alert]

How do I enter? Simply click the ‘contact us’ button, and email us your recipe. Be sure to include:

  1. A Picture of the final product (not required, but helpful)
  2. The Title of the Recipe  (ie: Grilled Onion Burgers with Cheese)
  3. Ingredients (in order as well as measurements needed)
  4. Directions (In the proper order)
[button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-large” variation=”btn-info”]CONTACT US[/button]
*Grand Prize: bestof-red-16‘BEST OF 2013’ badge on your posted recipe and a $25 Visa Gift Card!
**First Prize: best-eats-16‘Best Eats’ badge on your posted recipe.
***Recipes must be emailed on or before June 30th, 2014 to qualify.
***By submitting a recipe, you are agreeing to allow us (Found in – IL, MI, MN, and WI) to display it on our website for users to view and print.



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