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The ONLY Reason To Pull Your Christmas Tree Out In October

As I walk down my neighborhood I love the sounds and scents of the seasons but there are a few people in my city that have already broken out their Christmas decorations and done up their houses. There is only one reason to pull your Christmas tree out in October and I will share it with you.

I love my Christmas tree. I do. Every year I wait for the time when I can break it out and decorate it for Christmas. Then a few years ago, for some reason I had an “Aha” moment, why does my Christmas tree have to be just for Christmas? People don’t limit their yard decorations to just Christmas. So I broke out my Christmas tree and started to figure out a way to Halloweenize out my Christmas tree essentially making it a Halloween tree.

Throw out everything you know about decorating your tree and stop calling it a Christmas tree.

As of now, it’s the last half of the year tree!

First thing I did, was deal with the lights.

Orange lights. Done (or it would be cool to do orange and purple but I did straight orange so I wouldn’t have to do any adjustments for Thanksgiving)

Then garland.

I had some Halloween fabric that I’ve used throughout the years, orange and some black with spiders. I wound it up through the tree.


Now what to do for ornaments?

That was a tough one. It’s not like you can run over to Wal-Mart and pick up a set of Halloween ornaments. So, that took a little more thought.  The thing is if you decorate for the holidays you more than likely have everything you need to decorate your tree. If not you can get some items for a relatively low cost. You can buy silk “picks” from any department or hobby store. I chose autumn leaves, sunflowers, etc so that I could use keep them through Thanksgiving. Also, this way you can keep your tree up from October 1st 20141015_193951 (2)through December 31st.

Then I found some window decorations I had in storage, an owl, ghost, and a bat. You have to remember that just because they aren’t designed to be tree ornaments doesn’t mean you can’t MAKE them be tree ornaments. I had a black candelabra that I stuck in the tree, some black fake Halloween candles and a big pumpkin. I sat a nice plastic mouse atop the pumpkin to add some fright. I also added some nice spider webs sticking out of either side of the top.

Ah then the top of the tree….what to do with the top of the tree? Hmmmm….well that one was probably the easiest. A really cool witches hat and an autumn bow so after Halloween when I pull the hat of,  it still has a topper.

And VIOLA! We have ourselves a Halloween tree and with a slight adjustment a tree for Thanksgiving.

Just remember to have fun with it.

And here’s something you can do to make it more Thanksgiving like. Notice the same pumpkin on the right, the same leave picks, and the same bow topper.




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