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75,000 square foot medical marijuana facility opening in Illinois

BARRY, Ill. – A 75,000 square foot medical marijuana manufacturing and research facility is one week away from growing marijuana and studying the science behind the cannabis. Patients will be able to get their hands on medical marijuana to help with any illnesses or pains they are suffering with. With the distribution of a product like marijuana, businesses in this industry need to look into the safety aspect of selling this product with something as simple as marijuana packaging. Storing and handling marijuana is an important part of any dispensary, so any precautions that these businesses can take would be beneficial.

At the moment, marijuana is legal to use as long as you have an illinois medical marijuana card. If you’re looking for dispensaries closer to the Michigan area, take a look at the weed menu at Pure Options who are based there.

Revolution Industries CEO Tim McGraw called it the most sophisticated, technologically advanced facility in the world. It’s two hours from St. Louis, in a small town of 1400 people called Barry, Illinois.

A long winding road takes you up to the edge of the cornfields that sit across from the warehouse like building. The owners of this cultivation center believe they’re in place where progress meets a purpose.

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75,000 square foot medical marijuana facility opening in Illinois.



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