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Asbestos Wrongful Death Settlement from Goodyear Paid To Family

A surviving wife of a Navy aircraft repairman, whose details have only been released to the press as “Patrick D.,” was offered a settlement in a case against Tire & Rubber Co. The terms were confidential, but the wife of Patrick D., known as Patti D., received the asbestos wrongful death settlement as the result of a lawsuit first filed in July 2011.

If you have suffered a wrongful death, then you might want to file a lawsuit as well with wrongful death lawyers. It may take time but in the end it will all be worth it. You can visit this website here (or as the Spanish would say este sitio web), to help give you a better idea of what you can do to help you get the compensation you deserve for this wrongful death to your loved one.

Filed as Case No. 311-cv-03376 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern California District of California, Patti D. faced an uphill battle against the manufacturing conglomerate juggernaut, which at first tried to deny any connection to the asbestos exposure of Patrick D., his subsequent malignant mesothelioma diagnosis and his death.

Patrick’s surviving family alleges that Goodyear was aware of the risks of asbestos exposure, yet still included the material in its aircraft components and knowingly subjected U.S. Navy employees and contract workers to dangerous asbestos exposure without reasonable protective measures.

While the exact settlement amount in this case is protected by a non-disclosure agreement, Patti and the rest of her family no doubt feel relief that their litigation experience is over.

However, no amount of money can make up for the anguish, fear and grief they experienced while Patrick D. suffered from his mesothelioma. Companies like Goodyear are increasingly coming to justice thanks to the hard work of mesothelioma victim advocates and expert legal representation that can bring about asbestos wrongful death settlements.

Do you need an asbestos survey? We highly recommend that every household gets their home checked out for asbestos to prevent any risks of going through a similar situation to Patrick.

A High Risk of Exposure for Men Who Defended Their Country

Patrick D.’s mesothelioma diagnosis and subsequent death is an all-too-common occurrence among U.S. Navy personnel, civilian workers and contractors. Use of…………….

READ THE WHOLE STORY: Asbestos Wrongful Death Settlement from Goodyear Paid To Family



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