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Wrongful Death Lawsuit for Mesothelioma Leads to $11M Jury Award

The family of a deceased Oakland, California man was awarded $11,000,000 by an Alameda County jury at the completion of the family’s wrongful death lawsuit for mesothelioma.

The wrongful death victim, Gordon Bankhead, contracted mesothelioma as a result of exposure while changing out brake parts throughout his career as a mechanic. In January 2010, he was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.

By March 2010, he had filed an official complaint against Pneumo, the manufacturer of asbestos-containing brake products that was responsible for the exposure, along with several other defendants.

Gordon Bankhead passed in October 2011 at the age of 68, causing his family to file an additional lawsuit for wrongful death exclusively leveled at Pneumo. After less than two hours of deliberation, the jury determined that $6 million should be awarded to surviving wife Emily Bankhead and $2.5 million apiece should be awarded to his adult daughters: Tammy and Debbie.

The Bankheads’ wrongful death lawsuit for mesothelioma illustrates that, in some instances, the victim of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma can successfully win a personal injury case, and that after the victim’s passing, a separate wrongful death lawsuit for mesothelioma can be successfully pursued.
If you’ve suffered a wrongful death and would like to file a lawsuit, then there are loads of law firms that you can use to help you succeed. For example, you could take a look at using a company like these wrongful death attorneys Birmingham. This will hopefully help you understand how a lawyer will be able to help you and what sort of compensation you might get.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit for Mesothelioma a Tragic Conclusion to a Vibrant Life

Gordon Bankhead worked from 1965 to 1999 as a parts repairman on large trucks and other heavy duty vehicles, mainly focusing on the repair and replacement of vehicle brake parts. Many of said parts were manufactured by the Abex Corporation, now succeeded by Pneumo Abex LLC, and they contained significant amounts of asbestos material in their friction lining and anti-heat components.

As Bankhead repaired his daily cadre of vehicles, he would breathe in dust containing heavy amounts of asbestos particles. Asbestos then got trapped in his lung membranes, eventually causing a cell mutation that later led to a mesothelioma diagnosis in 2010.

As per the definition of wrongful death in Tennessee, Pneumo could be held directly accountable for the worsening condition of Gordon’s health.

After receiving his diagnosis, Bankhead sued Pneumo along with other parties deemed to be partially liable for his condition. The conclusion of that personal injury lawsuit resulted in a $4 million jury award.

Sadly, the damages were unable to provide a quality of care necessary to prolong Gordon Bankhead’s life, leading to his passing in 2011 at age 68. In June 2012, Gordon’s surviving wife Emily and two adult daughters filed a wrongful death lawsuit for mesothelioma seeking compensation for loss of companionship and emotional. If you are looking for information on what you can do if you have experienced a wrongful death, you might be want to check out someone like this wrongful death lawyer in Brooksville. Information is always available to those who wish to seek compensation for their loss.

READ THE WHOLE STORY: Wrongful Death Lawsuit for Mesothelioma Leads to $11M Jury Award



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