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Tag: mesothelioma

Jury Grants $15M in Mesothelioma Compensation for Family Members

The conclusion of a Cleveland, Ohio mesothelioma trial likely broke precedent for four reasons: the size of the overall award, the size of mesothelioma compensation for family members, the victim’s second-hand exposure and his relatively young age of 40. After deliberating, the jury granted plaintiff John Panza $515,000 in economic damages as well as $12 …

Wrongful Death Lawsuit for Mesothelioma Leads to $11M Jury Award

The family of a deceased Oakland, California man was awarded $11,000,000 by an Alameda County jury at the completion of the family’s wrongful death lawsuit for mesothelioma. The wrongful death victim, Gordon Bankhead, contracted mesothelioma as a result of exposure while changing out brake parts throughout his career as a mechanic. In January 2010, he …

Sikorsky Aircraft Faces Class Action Lawsuit for Mesothelioma

Several plaintiffs have come forward with a class action lawsuit for mesothelioma in a case against Stratford, Connecticut-based helicopter manufacturer Sikorsky Aircraft. Since the exposure happened recently, the victims are pursuing compensation for future medical monitoring and treatment of any asbestos-related conditions. The case is a rare example of a class action lawsuit for mesothelioma that is …


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