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Category: WI Humor

Do We Dare Cheer For Minnesota?

As a Packer fan, I dislike the Vikings immensely. As I believe most Packers fans do. This being said, however, there are forces at work beyond my control. When the post season starts and the Packers are out I usually find myself cheering for the North (which usually does not include the Vikequeens). But this …

10 Things People in Wisconsin Can’t Live Without

Many of the 10 Things People in Wisconsin Can’t Live Without are ‘No Brainers’, especially for Wisconsin Residents, but we thought it would be fun to share them with you anyway. 1.  The Green Bay Packers Photo credit: Phil Roeder / Foter / CC BY Who would’ve thunk it? A little football team that started in …

Will Cult Following Bring People to Wisconsin?

The new Wisconsin Tourism ads are a fun take on a cult comedy classic, Airplane!  The ridiculous humor and clever literal translations have many laughing out loud!     ) “Striker, you are too low, I know, but Wisconsin is so beautiful in the summer, so much to do.  Over” These ads were created by …

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