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Category: Events in MN

Do We Dare Cheer For Minnesota?

As a Packer fan, I dislike the Vikings immensely. As I believe most Packers fans do. This being said, however, there are forces at work beyond my control. When the post season starts and the Packers are out I usually find myself cheering for the North (which usually does not include the Vikequeens). But this …

Eve to Adam’s ‘Odyssey’ Album, Upcoming Tour & Stuff

First I must apologize to Eve to Adam because there are a few things I need to get off my chest and clarify when it comes to Rock ‘n’ Roll, because I believe that great bands like yours are getting unjustly treated by these so called “experts” in the industry. For the past 18 years …

2015 Week 5 NFL Picks

Here are the 2015 Week 5 NFL Picks and I have to ask. What is the deal with this week? Is it a battle of bad teams? It seems like 90% of the teams playing each other at 1-3 and 2-2. I want to see two 4-0 teams go at it! I want to see …

NFL Week 3 2015 Picks

This may be the week that a few teams see their first win. Chicago or Seattle will see their first win. Buffalo or Miami will see their second, Pittsburgh or St. Louis will also see their second win, Oakland and Cleveland will also see their second. There is also Atlanta and Dallas who one of …

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