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Category: WI Sports

The Three F’s To Love in Wisconsin

It’s not words I am taking about here……The Three F’s To Love in Wisconsin are some of Wisconsin’s Favorite Things about our State! [lists style=”liked” color=”#dd3333″] FALL It’s actually funny that FALL is the first of my F’s….because it also happens to be the time of year many Wisconsinites love which also includes my next …

2015 Week 5 NFL Picks

Here are the 2015 Week 5 NFL Picks and I have to ask. What is the deal with this week? Is it a battle of bad teams? It seems like 90% of the teams playing each other at 1-3 and 2-2. I want to see two 4-0 teams go at it! I want to see …

NFL Week 3 2015 Picks

This may be the week that a few teams see their first win. Chicago or Seattle will see their first win. Buffalo or Miami will see their second, Pittsburgh or St. Louis will also see their second win, Oakland and Cleveland will also see their second. There is also Atlanta and Dallas who one of …

NFL Picks Week 2 2015

Well Week 1 of the 2015 NFL season is in the books. Here’s our picks for week 2. Here’s to kicking off the first home game of the Packer season. GO PACK GO! Thursday September 17th @ 8:30 PM ET Denver Broncos @ Kansas City Chiefs ESPN Picks  – 1 DEN / 12 KAN ME …

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