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Author: Staff2


Well preseason anyway. I don’t know about you but the first two games of preseason is just glorified televised practices. The only thing it is really good for is to let us (the fans) know which new guys should stay and who should go. The resulting wins and losses in a preseason really means nothing. …

Kids and Technology – The Ugly Truth

Kids and Technology: The Ugly Truth I was born in 1976.  My kids think that’s the equivalent to 1926. My 13 year old daughter seems to think that as a pre-teen and teenager my life was so dull that I must have cried myself to sleep every night.  How could I have survived without Internet, …

Twitter Followers and tweeting celebrities: The Ugly Truth

Do you look at any of the people you are following? Do you think any of the people that are following you look at your tweets? See, I follow people I actually care to hear about what’s going on. I don’t follow people that I have no interest in. So, in return, I want people …


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